CFC Blog #102: Season’s Greetings and Anti Pet Peeving

Hi all, and Happy New Year! We are resending the anti pet peeve list in case you missed it from a week ago. I wish you all joy, positivity, and meaningful change for 2019! 

I just love the idea of anti-pet peeves that Pip has brought to life. An anti-pet peeve, very simply put, is the opposite of a pet peeve.. so rather than zooming in on the little annoyances in life that cause us frustration or discomfort, anti pet peeves help to shift focus to the tiny yet meaningful joys we experience. I think they truly aim to strengthen the muscle of joy finding too. And so, The Community for Change is excited to share with everybody these anti pet peeves listed out below that were collected from a wide variety of community members. What a wonderful way to celebrate these delightful triumphs at this wondrous time of year. Happy Holidays everyone :)

- Amanda

Season’s Greetings and Anti Pet Peeving

When I have to drive in the city, I LOVE getting 4,5,6+ green lights in a row. I get anti-road rage.  – Suzi Chun-Turley

 When my wife Kim recognizes that it's been a rough day and instead of asking me for something she says, "What do you need?" –Joe Bruzzese

 When I get a text from my daughter that says “you so so rock rock rock”.

When I step outside and notice the clarity and vividness of the sky and everything else falls away for a moment.  –Kelly Coburn

 I just finished yoga Fire at Lifetime and ready for vinyasa. Have enough energy left to go on at my age. Life is wonderful. 

My other anti pet peeve, driving 90 mph on st 95 and Waze tell me no cops in sight! –Muayyad Al-Chalabi

 Walking on those moving walkways at the airports. It is such a delight to walk at normal speed while actually moving at a light jog speed. Gives me that feeling of swiftness like you've got the wind on your back. –Julie Sun

 When I am riding my bike with my husband along the Hudson River and we see a beautifully colored sunset unplanned (we didn’t intend to be out at that time and the weather wasn’t necessarily calling for good sunset conditions). –Amanda Eckhardt

 Watching an unexpected smile on my granddaughter's face. 

The first glass of water in the morning. –Nooruddin (Rudy) Karsan

 I have actually one very simple anti-pet-peeve: Waking up.

It is always a joy to open the eyes, realizing to be alive, and having a full day of wonder ahead! –Matthias Hollwich

 Following through on commitments. –Landon Eckhardt

 When your Waze app updates you on your trip, informs you that traffic is clearing up ahead, and shortens the estimated time of your trip by 7 minutes.  :) –Dave Bujnowski 

A long walk on a cold day with a great companion (or podcast) to listen to. –Grant McCracken

When rye or sourdough bread toasts up golden and the butter melts right into it. –Brynne Thompson

 When I order a smoothie and they make just a bit too much so I get more than what I expected and it is even free! –Pip Coburn

 Linda and I have a nephew who is addicted to his iPad and Mincraft. He has terrible taste in video games (I am an expert). 

Anti-pet peeve: Alex has started putting down the iPad or Minecraft when we come over and wants to play board games. He is a terrible cheater, which is half the fun. –Sean Bohan

 Getting in the car and having my husband fill the gas tank for me

The first parking spot at the grocery store or mall during the holidays when I actually am brave enough venture there :) –Melissa Norman

 The first sip of an ice cold sparkly water. –Priscilla Monteiro

 When I got to my barber in Chinatown and there is no wait! So love it. I've gone to the same guy for 14 years. –Jimmy Lee

 When a technology upgrade works right away.  My expectation is that something will go wrong.  I'm currently struggling with a new MyAudi app that's supposed to improve the connections to my car.  It was supposed to take a few minutes to download and log in.  Hours later, multiple calls to service reps, and the app still not working, I continue to think how wonderful it is when changes work right away. –Irving Wladawsky-Berger

 Realizing someone else is also left-handed! 

When I go to log in and my brain doesn’t know my password but my fingers do! –Kelleen Kiely

 Waking up at 5am realizing its Saturday morning and I can sleep another hour –Diana Magana

 In the winter, putting on clothes straight from the dryer! -Candice Peelman 

 A double rainbow when you are feeling down.

The smell of fresh bed linen when you step into your bed at night. –Jorgen van der Sloot

Great shower water pressure when traveling overseas 

Stopping the gas pump on :00 dollars on the first try –Morris Pickens

Immediately finding an empty table and seat at a busy coffee shop on arrival. –Haryoon Jang

 When I open the drawer at home where my wallet’s supposed to be, and it’s there! (Even though I don’t remember putting it there) –Sasha Dichter

The excited energy of my dogs when I wake up! They are thrilled every day when I awaken and know I will take them out. It never gets old and makes the hour and the weather and my fatigue less important. –Sophie Wade

 One of mine: to be warmly welcomed! –Shaiza Rizavi

 When you sit down to write a postcard or a letter and your thinking just flows to your hand and all you want to write is expressed and you can't stop smiling throughout the writing

Burst into a song and dance with a friend and pretend to sing it (exaggeratedly) just to laugh even more and have no regards whatsoever about where you are and how silly you look, just being absolutely free and blissful  –Maria Souza

 Climbing into bed knowing my house is full with all my children home under one roof.

 Looking up from my computer at night and seeing my dogs surrounding me fast asleep. –Pamela Sherman 

Dipping warm chocolate chip cookies in cold milk. 

Sitting by the fireplace and reading. --Danielle Posa

Getting off at the Brooklyn Bridge subway stop every day. --Christina Posa

Sitting outside with my 16-year old dog in the morning and watching the sunrise. --Alison Posa

The little surprise notes that my boyfriend leaves me on my desk.

The way untouched snow literally sparkles. --Amanda Posa 

Looking out to see what the Hudson will look like every morning...and every morning it being unique and beautiful

Watching my different friends from different places become friends  --Jaime Posa

When all the weights in the gym are re-racked correctly.

When you put in a USB cable correctly on your first try. --Chad Nussbaum 
